Professor of Media & CommunicationLocation:
227 Henkel HallPhone:
(540) 678-4338Email: gdaddari@achador.net
Employed Since:
1998Educational History:
B.A. University of North Carolina; M.A. University of Maryland, PhD University of Massachusetts
Fields of Expertise:
- Depiction of sport, popular culture and gender in the media
Professional Highlights:
Appointment as Lin Rong San Chair in Communication. Founding director of the Women’s Studies (now Gender and Women’s Studies) and Film Studies programs.
Recent scholarship includes articles published in the Journal of Sport Management and the Journal of Sports Media.
Appointment to the editorial board of the Sociology of Sport Journal (sponsored by the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport).
Co-director of the Center for Sport and Media Studies.
Personal Quote:I enjoy the energy and collegiality of a small liberal arts university, including opportunities for travel and for making close connections with students.
Personal Highlights:
My volunteer involvement with two community film groups, Magic Lantern Theater and Skyline Indie Film Fest.