Professor Emerita of Art History and ArtEmail: gkiefer@achador.net
Educational History:
Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University, 1990 (Modern Art); M.A., Oberlin College, 1975 (Italian Renaissance Art); B.A., Kent State University, 1973 (Studio Art and Art History)
Fields of Expertise:
History of Photography, American Art, Modern Art, Feminist Art and Theory, Art and Visual Culture, Drawing, and introductory arts courses
Professional Highlights:
Author of book on Alfred Stieglitz Author of book on Alfred Stieglitz(Garland Press, 1991) and articles on history of photography, feminist theory, and art; contributing essayist for book on the Valley Road of Virginia (University of Virginia Press. Multiple juried and solo art exhibitions.
Personal Quote:“There is a French word, bricolage, which means making do with the material at hand: a bricoleur is a kind of ‘jack-of-all-trades’ or handyman who can fix anything. The bricoleur is an artist of limits…Dreams and myths work in the same way; in dream-time we take whatever happened that day, bits and pieces of material and events, and transform them into the deep symbolism of our own personal mythology.” (Stephen Nachmanovich, Free Play: Improvisation in Life and Art)
Personal Highlights:
Two exemplary children: one a veterinarian and one pursuing a career in applied mathematics, mechanical engineering and/or music