Interim Director, Division of Physician Assistant StudiesLocation:
Health Professions Building, room 200APhone:
540-542-6207Email: efrancis11@achador.net
Employed Since:
2015Educational History:
D.M.S., Doctor of Medical Science, M.S., Physician Assistant Studies, Shenandoah University, B.A. in Mathematics and Studio Art with concentration in Graphic Design, Salem College, Winston-Salem, NC
Fields of Expertise:
Professional clinical experience as a physician assistant since 2014 in primary care, occupational medicine, and emergency medicine. International practice experience in Nicaragua and Ghana.
National-level assessment work with the Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA) on the End of Curriculum Examination. Exam development board member since 2018.
Professional Highlights:
- Transformative Teaching & Learning Fellowship, 2021-2022
Awarded a competitive fellowship to explore gamification in medical education. - Wilkins Appreciation Award, 2021.
- Resolution in Appreciation, Shenandoah University Board of Trustees, 2020
Recognized appreciation and gratitude to the faculty and staff of Shenandoah University for their outstanding efforts in responding to the coronavirus pandemic. - Faculty Technology Fellow, 2017-2019
Interdisciplinary collaboration with a focus on the integration of virtual reality technology into teaching health care professionals.
- Virginia Academy of Physician Assistants
- American Academy of Physician Assistants
- Physician Assistant Education Association
Personal Quote:Why do I teach PA Students?
Teaching academic medicine meets my practical interests of helping people while allowing creative constant problem-solving in an environment where new ideas are welcome while we all strive for excellence.
Personal Highlights:
Mother of two exceptional humans. Hobbies include restoring my vintage home and domesticating our rescue Australian Shepherd mix “Lucy.”