Professor Emeritus of Religion and PhilosophyEmail: bpennhol@achador.net
Employed Since:
1990Educational History:
B. A., Economics and Religious Studies, University of Virginia; M. A., Policy Sciences and Public Affairs, Duke University; M. Div., Divinity School, Duke University, Ph. D., Religious Ethics, University of Virginia
Fields of Expertise:
Christian Social Ethics; Applied Ethics; Political Ethics.
Professional Highlights:
In the fall of 2012 I am spending a semester sabbatical teaching World Religions and Liberation Theologies while sailing the Atlantic and visiting Europe, Africa, and Latin America as part of Semester at Sea.
Personal Quote:“Once in a final paper a student wrote that in my class she had learned to think and that because of the class she would never again believe anything without considering the reasons why. To lead students into that kind of life-long commitment to thoughtfulness is why I teach.”
Personal Highlights:
I am married to Jayne Penn Hollar who teaches Work and Family Studies at Madison County High School. Our son Quentin is a graduate of Virginia Tech and is working on a Masters in Elementary Education at Hunter College in New York City. I love the blues, baseball, biking, and gardening.
Recommended Link(s):
Semester at Sea, Fall 2012
This website describes the Semester at Sea experience my wife and I will enjoy in the Fall of 2012.